Sunday, October 30, 2016

Unhappy friend

My friend was crying on the phone. Said the house manager told her to "Get out here!" and asked her if she had turned up the heat in the house. She is miserable. I have to work all this week and through next Monday, so I can't drive to the day program she attends but need to call staff. I wish she could have adjusted to the 24K apartment. It's so sad that she was asked to leave and is now living in this group home. She and the house manager push each other's buttons. She has no other alternative, but to live in this setting where she is desperately unhappy. She can't live with her cousin or with me. She has too many issues. Such a sad situation. I enjoyed my day off today. My husbnd and I went to several stores and bought a few Christmas gifts. We had to purchase a new printer because our printer was damaged in the power surge. The washer worked fine for a couple loads, but will not work now. My husband, son and I went to a Japanese restaurant and had sushi. Delicious! I am trying to be patient with my husband, and give him attention. I figure it will dust the cobwebs from his mind. It's hard because I forget that it takes time for him to process. I need to work on remembering.

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