Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Taking care of the earth

Because of my friend's inability to live by herself and get along with her housemates, she is miserable. She is emotionally immature. Perhaps if she attended relationship classes, she would learn how to get along with people. She says that this house manager is worse than all the other managers. After a lot of prayer, I managed to vote on the partisan part of the ballot. It was difficult for me and when my husband found out that I hadn't mailed in my ballot yet, he wanted to know why. I delayed hoping for divine inspiration and I am now at peace. I stopped at the post office to get stamps so that I could mail it. Only one more week until the national election. Someone online suggested that people abstain from voting. This scares me as a small percentage could elect the officials if people abstain from voting. Was reading about the situation at Standing Rock. Today though a friend posted that a golden eagle landed and people were able to pet him. An omen for sure. It worries me that the pipes are going under the Missouri River and that eventually they will leak, contaminating the water. Another Flint, Michigan in the making. How does one fight against big corporations and big money? What to do with all the buildings, amusement parks, islands that were once used but are not abandoned? Seems to me that if possible the buildings be reused or the land be returned to its natural state.

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