Monday, January 21, 2013

An Interesting Day

I was surprised to see snow on the car this moring as I got ready to go to work.  It was expectedly quiet as today was Inauguration Day and a National Holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr  Day.  Many businesses and schools were closed in observance of the holiday.  Never too early though to get ready for Valentine's Day, boxes and bows need to be made, paper collars stapled to keep roses from breaking, chocolate, cards and bears displayed.  Fortunately, I was not upstairs in the attic or in a windowless room because around 10:30, our store along with others in the area lost power.  It didn't come on, DTE told us that 20,000 people were without power, no idea the problem nor how long it would be out.   So we started making the collars for the roses...150 of them.  It was interesting, a woman came in and asked if we were closed, about 1 1/2 hours after the power went out.  She observed that it might be a bit hard to browse in the dark.  Just at that moment, the lights came back on.

Fish update...All the fish survived the first night!  The catfish did not eat the groupies or the blue fish, which is called a gourami--a truly beautiful fish.  I am having a problem with hair algae, nasty stuff really, so stopped back at the fish store to buy a clown pleco to gobble up the algae.  I also couldn't resist a male and female rosy barb.  And since my net is missing at the present, bought a new net.

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