Monday, December 19, 2016

Hungry friend

I don't have to look very far to find people that could use help. My friend has been complaining that she is hunngry. She is a neglected, forgotten person. No one wants to take her in. I feel badly, both because I can't offer her a place in our home and because she is hungry. How can I eat when I know she is not getting enough food? I think of the rich man and Lazarus. Has my time on earth been spent living comfortably and ignoring those who are in desperate need? I really can't live with myself unless I do something about my friend. Today she is scrounging up enough money to buy a salad at her day program. Tomorrow I hope to go to her club and purchase a meal card for her. It is a slippery slope because her thinking is strange and she has no concept of money. I worry about her in the group home and am praying that she can secure a placement where she will be happy.

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