Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Productive Day

Since our daughters arrive on Monday, I went downstairs and brought up the Christmas decorations. The tree lights twinkle and the ornaments shimmer. Underneath the tree, rabbits and cats lay peacefully. The Nativity is up--the Holy Family, shepherds, wisemen, musicians, village children, fox, dogs, cats and kittens, geese, chickens, a horse, all visiting the newborn king. The winter village houses and the inhabitants sit on the mantle this year. It is very cold here, so hopefully the cold will abate some, and I can put the outside lights up. After work, we went to the mall and picked up a few more gifts and I wrapped them. Of course, I need to head out and find a few gifts for my very thoughtful husband. He took my car and installed a new battery. I cried when I came into work and found that the store manager had left a Christmas gift for me. I was touched by her thoughtfulness. I read that a young mother had an accident in Washington State. The roads were icy and she flew off and crashed into a tree. The minivan burst into flames. Though severely wounded she struggled to free her 3 year old and 5 month old, but the two girls died. My own struggle with the loss of my mother makes world sadness that much more intense. I grieve for this family. My daughter's high school friend lost his mother and father a few days ago in a horrible pile up on the expressway. 36 families are grieving the loss of their loved ones in the Ghost Ship in California. And countless people are mourning the deaths of the Brazilian soccer team. Innundated with so much grief, it is hard to celebrate Christmas. There is sorrow in my eyes. I will honor those who lost their lives and their loved ones with thoughts and prayers.

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