Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas cards mailed

Well, kudos to me. I got the Christmas cards addressed, signed and mailed. Probably, one of the most difficult activities of the Christmas season. I wished my siblings "peace" as I know they are going through a difficult time. Also, I decided to send all my nieces and nephews cards, as a random act of kindness. I really don't expect anything back from them. For the 10th time, I have lost my cell phone. St. Anthony must be so tired of searching for my missing items. "St Anthony, St Anthony, please look around. For the 10th time, my cell phone is lost and needs to be found." I had it Sunday morning, but haven't seen it since. And now calls go directly to voice mail, so I fear it is buried under the 8" of Christmas snow that covers the city. I took my secret Santa gift to the store yesterday. I will probably miss the cookout as I am at the satellite store, unless someone makes me a plate. Two daughters arrive next Monday. My husband and I had taken our grand rabbit to the vet. She got an antibiotic for an upper respiratory infection. The vet told me that she should have been spayed because rabbits have intense hormones which cause uterine cancer. I gave her the medicine on Friday. Was shocked to go into her room and see her on her side, near her litter. My husband buried her by the lilac bush which is now blanketed in snow. Such a very difficult day.

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