Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Need acceptance

Been running around all over this morning. First, I had to do some banking for my dad. Then drive 30 miles to get two letters from the post office. I had written thank you notes to my sister's and my mutual friends, and she wants to write them. So I picked mine up, shredded them and put them in the recycle. I filled the car with gas and picked up two racks of ribs from the meat department. I also purchased a new cranberry winter coat as the zipper in my ages-old coat is broken. Nice weatherproof coat, cranberry color, with a warm zippered insert and button outer layer with hood. Am home now, making white chili for lunch. Comforting on this rainy cold day, or it will be once it's done. I am abandoning my husband, and heading out to a restaurant with two friends later this evening. Dealing with difficult family members and friends has made me very sad. My mentally ill friend is self centered and focused only on herself. I feel that with regard to my sister, everything I do is wrong. For the past many years, she has found fault with most everything I do. My husband and his interests are #1 on his list. I need to be with friends who accept me for who I am, blemishes and all.

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