Monday, August 8, 2016


My emotions are all over the place. I feel like crying at the drop of a hat. I noticed this last Monday. I asked a customer for his billing address and he couldn't see the sense of giving it to me because he was paying with a credit card. And he couldn't hear, so didn't understand the explanation. It was a standoff. Last night, we were discussing my aunt and uncle and I could feel myself really revving up and becoming angry. Something is wrong and I'm trying to analyze and resolve the problem. I wonder if I have not properly grieved for my uncle and the flower shop owner. I also was following the story of the 3 month old baby, and his death bothered and angered me so much that I had to go out in the garden and pull out some false strawberry plants and dig holes. Perhaps my sugar level is rising and dropping (my own fault) so as of now, I am going to be more accountable and count carbs. I also need to get together with my brother and sister and discuss dad's financial situation as my mother's home aide insurance is near an end and this worries me.

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