Sunday, April 19, 2020

Doing the best I can

I went grocery shopping the other day, and as I pushed my cart up to the next marked square in the check out line, the woman in front of me said "6 feet!"  From then on I made sure I was way back from her.  Perhaps it took all her courage to go to the grocery store and she was feeling deep fear.  So if I could help her by staying far away, I would do it.  I've noticed that very few people want to chat.  They seem deep inside their heads.  Today I walked the dogs and actually was able to say hello to a couple and acknowledge the beautiful day.  My husband has been sad and I recognize that he has his reasons to be down.  He has had a wracking cough for 16 days.  He has been confined to the house.  I can tidy the house, make dinner, chat with him, but I can't turn back the clock to pre COVID days.  I am trying to be non judgmental.   Few people have been through a pandemic before and we are all doing the best we can.

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