I try to call my sister once a week. We talked about the anger people feel because they can't purchase their plants and seeds at the local garden centers. She can't understand why people are angry. Sometimes I feel angry. Yes, I am very very grateful and most of the time I am content during the lockdown, but to be honest sometimes I am angry. I also realized that I am not trusting of elected officials. The lockdown and purchase prohibitions remind me too much of the novel 1984. I am not optimistic that life will return to anything like normal any time soon. It's surreal because I don't know anyone that has or had COVID. COVID is an unseen enemy that has turned my life upside down. I have seen the YouTube video by Dr. Vong explaining that the virus is not media hype and how it kills. During this trying time, I acknowledge people's feelings--grief, anger, fear, loneliness because people are going through different and conflicting feelings.
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