Friday, December 1, 2017


On Wednesday, my granddaughter and I drove to the flower shop to pick up two wreaths. If it is nice on Sunday, my dad and brother will drive to the cemeteries and place the wreaths on my Mother's and grandparent's graves. While I was there, the President of the company asked me to meet with him. Our flower shop, which consists of the main store and the branch store where I work, is acquiring a third store. The owner is retiring and moving out of state. The president asked me if I'd be willing to work at the new store. I told him that I would enjoy the challenge. I realized that one of my work days conflicts with taking care of my granddaughter while her mother works, so wrote an email and asked if I could contine working at the main store on that day. He is still working on plans. I think the manager of the branch store might be retiring in the spring, so it might make more sense to have me continue working here and train another person to manage the new store. I drank hot chocolate late last night and the theobromin kept me awake, my mind thinking about my granddaughter, sister and husband. Funny what I think of when my mind is whirling. After discussing a plan with my husband, I withdrew some money to shop for my husband's Christmas presents. One of the items was sold out. I bought the next closest item, hoping my husband will like it. I wanted to shop for my husband Thursday, the day before I got paid. He commented that I used money he intended to use for bills. He couldn't write checks anyway as it turns out because he needs a new check register. Since I was paid today, I withdrew the money for my riding lesson and Sunday coffee. The rest is available for bills.

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