Thursday, December 28, 2017

A New Year 2018 Resolution

I have come up with an exciting New Year 2018 Resolution. No resolution of diet and exercise for me! I have been sick with an upper respiratory infection for a week which affects my cognition, hearing among other things. On Christmas Day, my sister was telling me that the bread she gave us needed to be heated in the oven for a few minutes. I didn't hear that she was talking about the bread. When my Dad opened his gift I told him that his hot chocolate needed to be heated in the oven. My sister said, "Oh, my God! That's hot chocolate!" She was imagining my 91 year old dad heating his hot chocolate in the oven! Last night, my husband and I had a difference of opinion about the cause of opoid addiction and circumstances concerning some bonds that I have. I noticed recently in conversations with my children, except my oldest son, that they always defend or support their thoughts or actions. Perhaps I defended my thoughts and actions while they were growing up and they picked up on it. I don't know. However, at my age, I'm entitled to my opinions and definitely don't feel that I have to be defensive. I want them to undertand that there are options, multiple ways to achieve goals, more than one way to be a good parent. I hope that they would be progressive thinkers, non judgemental and full of love for all, especially those who are different. I am charmed by the non typical store customer, even though he or she can cause a lot of work for me. My sweet mom was judgemental and I catch myself judging, but call myself on it. After thinking for awhile and feeling picked on by my husband, sister, and daughters, I decided that the fault was not with them. I have gotten the impression that my sister thinks I'm stupid. My daughter, who is living with us until April, prefers to spend time with her friends, not with her old mom. No matter how general and innocent a topic, my husband is a bully and a grouch. I've asked a few friends to pray for us, to strengthen our marriage, because every marriage is hard work. So then these relationship difficulties rely with me and I need to do something to change my feelings of low self esteem, acting non assertive. I know I am loyal, conscientious, reliable, honest, intelligent, hard working, a nurturing grandma and a loving daughter. However I need to continue to strengthen my marriage, support my husband and children. For my New Year's resolution, I have decided to listen... Listen, listen and listen again. And ackowledge what the person is saying and feeling.

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