Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Peaceful Heart

I think only babies look out at the world with bright, curious eyes. Eyes that have not seen injustice, tragedy, illness, death... My eyes are sad because I have seen police officers killed by snipers in Dallas, sniper fire killing young men and women at Pulse, planes plummeting into the desert, a young boy drowning enroute to Greece from Syria, a young singer losing her life to cancer and leaving behind a 2 year old and a husband, a friend with mental illness forced to live in a group home. Each sad event makes my heart heavy and makes my eyes weary. Lately, thought, I have noticed a peacefulness in my heart. And when my heart is peaceful, I can contend much better with life's challenges. I have more patience with my 70 year old husband and his forgetfulness, my elderly parents and their issues and my self centered sister. I can set a goal and work toward it. I am most grateful for a cloak of peace that allows me to face life challenges with hope, wisdom, dignity and grace.

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