Friday, September 19, 2014


Well, I misjudged my husband. We have been using one car because my daughter's car is totaled. Turns out that no mechanic will fix it. When he came to pick me up from work, he told me about the car and listed three options as to how to get rid of it. I was rather bent out of shape because I thought he had told everyone but me (it is my car). At the end of the evening, I was listening to the voice messages and lo and behold I heard him start..."Bad news about the car." So he had tried to tell me, but I didn't listen to any phone messages. So I misjudged him and consequently had a lonely, stressful evening. My daughter has done some preliminary searching, and once my father is back from the memorial service out of state, he and she will go look at cars. I wish I could go to the Memorial to visit with my relatives. What could I say when my dad said, "What are we going to do about mother?" My husband says that bearing responsibility is a characteristic of first-borns, and he would know as he had to care for his mother too. Very busy at work. Homecoming is tomorrow and we have lots of orders for corsages and boutonierres.

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