Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Building a Deck

My dad designed a handicap accessible ramp for his front door.  The plan is to cover the concrete porch with decking and build a ramp that extends straight from the porch for about 10'.  The ramp will then make a right-angle turn and extend for 20' to the driveway.  My dad, brother, and brother-in-law worked all day Monday and constructed some of the first phase.  When I called the house today, my dad was outside working on the project, so I drove to the house to offer my services.  I helped dig a 44" x 48" trench.  The ramp is to have four joists under the decking and for the decking to be even with the concrete driveway.  I also held 2 x 4s in place so that my dad could screw them to the posts.  I enjoyed the time with my dad.  It is a nice change from visiting with my mother who has Alzheimer's.

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