Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wise words

Yesterday was a fine day at work until one of the designers went on a rampage. She couldn't do "three things at once"-- called in the manager on her day off. One of the drivers couldn't come in (bereavement) and our normally laid back delivery manager was stressed. The short of it is that a day that started out happy ended on a very sour note. I didn't notice much improvement today either. When I told a coworker that this particular designer was driving me crazy, she said, "Me too, but I won't let her." Wise words. I feel stupid that I let her ruin both my afternoon yesterday and today. No more. While I can't control HER response to events at work, I can control my response to her. I thrive when the store is busy, while apparently she becomes unglued. It helps that I have this afternoon and tomorrow off, and then work the branch store, so perhaps by the time I see her again, I won't resent her as much. The woman needs a long vacation or to be relieved of some responsibility since she can't handle it efficiently.

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