Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Plan

I have been tweaking my exercise schedule.

150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week--jogging, zumba and sparring
15-20 minutes weight lifting (bought a new Jackie Warner DVD, I watched it but haven't tried it)
daily stretching for flexibility
30 minutes of HKD practice. I found out yesterday that I have so focused on the 16 low block form, that I've forgotten the 13 self defense and beggie hoi jeon sool form. Yikes!
push ups, crunches, jumping jacks to get ready for my black belt test in a year or so

I looked at Jackie Warner's menu that came with the DVD. It is too heavy on protein for me and does not include enough dairy. I will continue to work with the healthy eating menu that I got from the health clinic. Easy to follow, healthy and effective (if I didn't like sweets and salty snacks so much :)

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