Saturday, June 18, 2011

About Karma

On Thursday, I entered the store and tried to turn off the alarm. Couldn't seem to turn it off, so eventually it began to beat rapidly and I got a call from security. Later I realized that I couldn't turn it off because of user error. I was pressing the on button. A bit rattled from that occurrence, I was waiting on a customer. She told me that she had an arrangement to pick up. I looked and couldn't find it. We sent her off and told her we would deliver it in a few minutes. Another worker went into the cooler and found it immediately. I asked for help setting up a new account and my helper accidently deleted all the customer information. I tried to help the course of true love by finding someone in a huge mile long complex. Our delivery manager told me the incorrect lobby (lobby G, there is no G, it was F). I was happy to leave, assuming that I would take all my bad karma with me. Not to be however. The mercury system went down, customers arrived early for a balloon pick up and the balloons weren't ready, the new person on the block took a fruit basket order late in the day, one of the sales associates gave cash back which is a no-no. The bad karma was not all about me.

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