Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Memorial Service and a Graduation Party

This morning we drove to the retirement center to attend a memorial service for my aunt.  My aunt and uncle had eight children, two by my uncle's first marriage, three by my aunt's first marriage and three children together. At my uncle's funeral many years ago his children talked about how there was no half children or step children, they were all my uncle's children.  Likewise today, a family unit blended together.  I so enjoyed hearing the memories of my aunt shared by a son and her granddaughter.  My aunt had a sense of humor, she created wedding dressings and summerwear, she baked cinnamon muffins.  She had a terrific sense of humor. The chapel had standing room only.  Seeing the overcrowded lunch room, my cousins, brother, sister and I left to eat at a restaurant.  I then drove to work where I lament that I mistook one cousin for another, commented a thought on hair color aloud and just felt that I was socially inept.  And now my coworker wants me to drop by to her great granddaughter's graduation party.  I hope all goes well with my social skills.

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