Sunday, November 8, 2015

Enjoying university family day

Yesterday, my husband,son and I drove about 50 miles away to spend time with our daughter who is a junior at the university. Originally we had planned to eat lunch at her sorority house, but decided to walk to a nearby restaurant. We sat on stools at a high top table--cheesy macaroni and crack fries for my daughter, a hamburger for my son, cobb salad for my husband, and a quesadilla for me! Yum! We then drove to the bowling alley where a private room was reserved. My low scores were a clear indication that I hadn't bowled in years and years. And my husband, who bowls on a Monday night league, had trouble with his shoes sticking to the floor. Fortunately he didn't catapault himself down the lane. My son and daughter bowled well. We had to check out a new candy shop and buy some caramel apples and chocolate almonds. We returned to my daughter's apartment to watch the football game. My daughter served cheese and crackers, tostitos and salsa, tea and coffee. We had a memorable day together.

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