Friday, July 17, 2015

Another Mass Shooting

I was sickened to hear that a man born in Kuwait went on a shooting rampage. He shot at a military recruiting center in Chattanooga and then drove 7 miles away to shoot through the windows of another military building. After the half hour shooting rampage, 4 military officers were dead, the shooter was dead, a police officer was wounded in the foot, and another military member injured. I guess on social media the shooter wrote that his life "was a prison." Neighbors said the family had lived in their home for 15 years, that the man's younger sister had babysat for them. My heart is sad. Where did this young man get his weapons and what was his motivation? I did some research, still need to do more, but found a chart from the Independent Journal, don't know how reliable it is and it is from 2009-20013. All the countries listed belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 2009-2013

Country, Total Rampage shooting Fatalies, Total Rampage shooting Incidents, Total Shooting per 1,000,000 People

Norway, 77, 1, 0.19:

Finland, 8, 2, 0.37

Slovakia, 8, 1, 0.19

Israel, 11, 2, 0.25

Switzerland 6, 2, 0.25

US 227, 38, 0.12

Belgium, 7, 1, 0.09

Netherlands, 7, 1, 0.06

Germany, 25, 3, 0.04

UK, 13,1,0.02

Canada, 6,2, 0.06

France, 4,1,0.02

It is easy to see that the UK and France have the lowest total of rampage fatalities per 1,000,000 people. I need to research more articles and more up to date information.

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