Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Helpful, considerate people

Since the nicer weather, I have noticed that drivers are less considerate...they have been cutting me off, turning in front of me, running red lights. I decided to exercise extra caution (no sense in getting a dent in my new car), but to be honest was feeling aggravated. A few days ago, I made a conscious effort to stay relaxed and unaffected by the inconsiderate drivers around me, to say to myself that they must have some very important reason for behaving the way they are, and to bless them on their way. I was controlling my reaction and attempting to put a positive spin on the actions of these drivers. It worked, traveling the city became more enjoyable. Yesterday I read this facebook post from my niece. "It's truly sad to see so many people who have somehow lost common courtesy. Why are we so selfish and wrapped up in our own world that we can't give the thank you wave to someone letting us cut in or a simple thank you to the person holding the door for us...just noticing the general rudeness of people." I did have the occasion to deal with four very helpful people today. One at the insurance and ambulance service company, one at the district library, and the young woman who pulled her car back so my dogs and I could get by. My new mantra, "treat people as I would like to be treated." Being proactive here.

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