Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Balancing Act

So, I'm in a good mood. But yesterday, I went over my 1200 calorie limit. Tried to figure out where the calories came from. Now, I'm using My Fitness Pal to record my food, and it is easy to input incorrect information. I'm balancing carbs, calories and calcium. Ha! The three Cs! I discovered that I had too many servings of grains, dairy and meat--the sources of the 326 extra calories. So today, I need to be cognizant of the three Cs! Tomorrow, we are picking up our daughter at the train station and then heading out to the lake for a family reunion. It is important to attend the picnic and visit with all the relatives. I never know if this will be the last time to make a memory. My aunt and her son in law passed away a few years ago, and I have wonderful memories of chatting with both of them. My cousin passed away a month ago suddenly from lung cancer.

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