Monday, June 30, 2014

"A Depressive Life"

My 86 year old mother has mobility issues, dementia and is hard-of-hearing. She needs personal care assistants and cannot be left alone. About three years ago, my father contacted a home-care agency and procured personal assistants for her. When the two aides are not working, my dad helps my mother. With her hearing issues, my mother refuses to let my dad out of her sight. He told me yesterday that he and my mother have been in a relationship for a long time and that he is not giving up on it now. He said that my mother would not like to be in a home, so he is not going to put her in one. However, what should be my mother and father's golden years, have turned into a "depressive life" for my dad. He is "stuck in a rut." He looks forward to golfing on Mondays with my brother. In August, my husband, daughter, parents and I will head up to the State Park. My daughter drives up with my mother and my father drives up alone. My dad told me that on the drive there and back, he is free all to take his time, enjoy the scenery, stop to eat and rest. In July, my brother and father are going camping...a few days respite from a tough situation. Though my dad will enjoy the time away, my mother will be in a horrible mood when he returns. This week, we will gather together to have a picnic and celebrate my dad's 88th birthday. His commitment and faithfulness to the woman he took as his wife 67 years ago are truly remarkable. To be honest, I am not like him at all. Conscientious and faithful? Yes. But willing to sacrifice all my personal happiness for another? No.

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