Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Can I motivate myself?

On Monday, I felt like Gumby after I kicked several hundred times and stretched with a partner! I worked on the forms for the tournament though my legs were wobbly. I know that I should stretch every day. Maybe I can motivate myself to 1.) exercise, stretch and work on flexibility, 2.) eat healthy and 3.) practice hapkido techniques. At least, I record the food I eat on Fitnesspal. I invited my friend to lunch on Tuesday to celebrate her birthday. She will want to go to the grocery store too. She has been complaining that no one has sent her birthday cards. I sent her a card which I hope will arrive tomorrow. She is having cake with her friends on Thursday, getting together with her cousins on Sunday, enjoying dessert with her housemates and going to lunch with me. She is sad because her father died recently and this is her first birthday without him.

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