Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Incident at the library

On Monday, I drove to the library to replenish my supply of mystery books. I prefer to visit on Friday after work. There are only a few patrons so the library is calm and peaceful. I had a list of authors and selected 12 books to check out. As I approached the self scanner, a patron said, "You're not going to read all those books!" and another patron strode up, said something similar but added "You must not do anything else!" Eventually a library worker addressed the first patron who told her that he had to wait for me to finish and she directed him to the other self scanner which incidently had been available all along. There was no reason for this encounter and thinking about it still bothers me. I posted a picture of my black and white cat snoozing on the back of my couch with the snowy day in the background. Someone commented that my cat looked like a "cow in the window and how much does it weigh." I can't control her reaction to the photo, but I can control my reaction to her reaction. I will enjoy the photo of my eight pound black and white cat curled up on the back of the couch.

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