Saturday, December 1, 2012

Comfortable with myself

Golden rays, smiling on me
Geese honking, in a vee
Laughter in the air
As if I didn't have a care
In all the world.

A cup of lemon herbal tea
As I sit and ponder what should be
Feeling contentment and peace
And receiving a new lease
On life.

Realizing today that I do not want
To build myself up at the expense of others.
Affirmation yesterday that my zaniness is a part of me
And how borning it would be
If we were all the same.

So let me meet them then.
The woman who is high
The man who is hard of hearing or shy?
Not sure.
The lady who brought her sister's planter
To have gyp added.
The gazer lady who has attention deficit
And all the people in between.

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