Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In sickness and in health

I really need to work on empathy with regard to people and their illnesses.  My friend whines on facebook, "I have a cold.  I'm tired.  My stomach and head hurts."  My husband woke me up this morning, "I think I want to go to the hospital."  So I dressed, ate and drove him to the hospital. His EKG shows a difference from his previous EKG, unexplained valleys.   Tomorrow he will have a stress test and if he passes, he will come home.  After a couple hours at the hospital, my husband said, "You can go home if you want to."  And I did want to.  I don't want to spend  my days off sitting up at the hospital.  He is stable, I am 10 minutes away.  I think of our wedding promises many years ago, "in sickness and in health" and I feel that my husband deserves someone more comforting and understanding.

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