Saturday, May 19, 2012

Trying to remain positive

For the past several weeks, I have been working at the branch store. It seems to me that business has been better. I have taken some orders and sold merchandise from the cooler and floor. We are in a shopping mall, and the landlord has refused to renew our lease and that of the dry cleaner next to us. Consequently, we have to relocate. The President of the company has a specific area in mind, but nothing is available. Timing is of the essence. As for me, I am trying to remain calm. It is difficult since I know that the other manager and I do not have hours at the main store, and that our customers will miss the convenience of the branch store. We are cleaning and packing closets and cupboards but in a discreet way. I am hoping that we will find a new location and be able to move there with little disruption to the business.

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