Saturday, December 11, 2010

A new attitude

Isn't it amazing how I put something away 7 years ago, and now I can't find it?  I am looking for a car title.  Searched high and low and can't find it, so a trip to the Sec. of State is in order on Monday.  Think I can send my Christmas cards out today.  I am still missing a couple addresses, so a few more days before I can put complete closure on the cards.  My friend is AWOL again.  I know the friend is okay but unresponsive, and really has been since July.  Never any response but then perhaps my emails are uninteresting.  I have a few more things to do on my Christmas to-do list.  Clean my house and my parents' house.  Grocery and gift shopping.  Make sugar cookies.  TA DA!  End of list.  I am going to enjoy the company of friends and family, colleagues at work, the customers that come into the store.  I have a new attitude!  :)

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