Friday, January 6, 2017

Infant Positional Aphyxiation

Because of my great nephew's tragic death, I am nervous. I worry when my college age daughter drives back and forth from our house to school I think about my son who works lots of hours and how tired he is. I am concerned that my family designate a driver when they are away and partying. Today I read an article on facebook about parents who lost their 4 month old son. They dropped the baby at the daycare and the person set the baby in a carseat. The baby died because he could not breathe. Perhaps his little chin rested on his chest. It's scary isn't it? So many ways infants, children, adults can lose their life. I researched infant positional aphyxiation. It is safe for a baby to sleep in a carseat in the car if buckled properly because the angle of the seat prevents positional aphyxiation. But an infant in a bouncer, swing, carseat not in a car runs the risk of aphyxiation. The safest place for a baby to sleep is in a properly fitted crib with a firm mattress. Little Nancy who had a string on a coat hood. The tie got caught between two pieces of a slide at the school and she aphxiated. Children who toddle off quick as a lightning and fall and drown in a pool. Precaution, prevention, education--so important to safeguard our infants, children and young people. I am so sad for this family but thank them for sharing as we will have an infant in our family in June.

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